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Friday, June 15, 2012

Filling up at the Quick Tip: Crummies

I have a tip for y'all right quick.

You folks remember all those extra pieces of bread I've been saving up lately? 
From my half a peanut butter toast? The crust off the eggplant sandwich? Bread heels?

Well, I accumulate a lot of extra bits of bread
It's tough to use a whole loaf as a single person in the time granted by the expiration date.
My habit of eating half slices of bread for things doesn't exactly help.

What's a body to do with all that extra bread???

Make breadcrumbs with it!

You just...
  1. Lay it all out on a pan 
  2. Stick that pan in the oven under the broiler on low until the bread is dried out (but not burnt, though I always go ahead and use the burned pieces anyhow. Might not suit your palate.)
  3. Crumble it into pieces in a blender, food processor, coffee grinder, and grind it down (if you have none of these appliances, you can always attempt to grate it with a cheese grater, or crunch it up solely by hand)
  4. Season it! I like a blend of salt, pepper, onion powder, basil flakes, and leaf oregano. It smells divine.
And you have breadcrumbs
You can stash em a while in a jar, and use them in lots of things. 

Meatballs, dough burgers, breaded veggies,  broiled over pastas...
I could go on, but I wouldn't want to undermine your creativity.
& I did promise a quick tip

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