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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chef's Salad

It sure is heating up, y'all.

Have you heard? I'll bet you have if you use your facebook account.
The high was 107 degrees today. 
I was not about to turn on my oven.
&I sure as shit was not going to get fast food.
Not just because they draw genitalia on your food, either.

I have c o m p e l l i n g reasons to avoid fast food joints.
It's not that I don't like fast food. Actually I love it!

It has:
-Unlimited diet coke. 
-Sauce packets galore.
-People to judge.
-Pro-sweatpants atmosphere.
-Even gambling!
Skinny bitches love a free McFlurry.
So can you guess why I don't go to fast food???
It's not because of the nutrition,
or the sanitation, 
or because I'm some kind of hip locavore.
I can't believe you even guessed that.

It aaaaaall stems from a traumatizing experience at a KFC one day, not too long ago......

After refilling my diet coke back to the tippy top
I began the return to my booth (do you take up a booth for four when you dine alone?? I do.)
but something interrupted my progress. A child.
A child who had fallen smack on his little child face.
I did not move to his aid. Child blood is tough to get out.
His mother was unhappy with my decision. 
In order to combat her shrill accusations of callousness I told her the following sentence:
"I, uh, I'm not supposed to interact with children because, well... you know. The law."
I implied that I was a convicted sex offender.
To an entire KFC.
So the mother wouldn't think I was a jerk.

Anyway, so, that's why I made a massive chef's salad today.
Because I'm too socially awkward for the colonel.

507 kcal, 47g carbs, 26g fat, 27g protein

Chef's Salad

  • chopped romaine or red leaf lettuce
  • spinach
  • chopped red bell pepper
  • sliced green onion
  • sliced red onion
  • 2 tablespoons granola
  • 10-15 grapes
  • 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar
  • celery
  • 3 oz honey glazed ham
  • hard boiled egg
  • 2 tablespoons dill vinaigrette dressing
 Make the above into a salad, dummy. (I do recommend trying granola in salads--it is a divine addition and worth all 60 extra calories!)

My  chef's salad  was pretty calorically heavy, mostly due to the type of ham & salad dressing I used. 
Easily lightened with a substition of sliced deli ham (or turkey, or even both) and a different dressing, perhaps just a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette?

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