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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Leave No Scone Unturned

Have a good weekend, y'all?

Mine was pretty fun.
I went k a y a k i n g with my mom! Or I would have.
We arrived at the river (mini wine bottles in tow
and were promptly assessed by the check-in girl...
You out of shape bitches are not about to kayak down this river.
The water was too low for kayaking!!!!! 
For the more "inexperienced" looking guests, anyway.
Oh, well.
At least I got to see my mom!
She's a little bit strange.

We have fun, but I don't always e n j o y her brand of humor...
Often, it involves setting a plastic cockroach next to her drink at a restaurant,
waiting for the waitstaff to notice (and freak out),
then grinning from ear to ear.
Pleased as punch.
To save myself any extra exasperation, I fixed up some Oatmeal Peach Scones for breakfast.
They make life so easy!
Because of their shape (flat), they can be frozen and quickly prepared for breakfast in your toaster.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Roasted Olives & Okra

Greetings, y'all!

I'm extraordinarily enthusiastic about holidays. (Usually.)
Even dumb ones!
I built hats in the shape of a 100 for the centenary day of elementary school. (Every single year.)

Something about celebrating the arbitrary really gets me e n l i v e n e d.
But this year was different.
For Independence Day, I watched The Last of the Mohicans.
Or tried to.
And don't even get me started on International Kissing Day.
Spoiler alert: I didn't make any tongue sushi.

I'm not alone though.
Even my s u c c e s s f u l roommate has trouble sometimes!
Once a girl told him she wasn't looking for a relationship.
Only she forgot to erase a New Year's Resolution written on her mirror....
Whoopsie daisy.
2012: Acquire Relationship
Another friend had better luck! At first anyway...
She made it all the way through the first date to second base.
& things were heating up!
But then the gentleman apologized:
"Pardon my arousal.
You done goofed, son.

So, that was that. They went to sleep!
Disappointment sucks, so imagine how ecstatic I was when my experiment in cooking worked out.
I made a really swell dish y'all.
Roasted olives & okra are a little salty, a little umami, and totally toothsome.
Another dish you can enjoy hot or cold, and they would be great as toothpick trio skewers if you're into appetizers.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Need a Gauze Patch, Yo!

Hey, y'all!

I finally got back to work this month. (Hooray!)
My job requires no mental aptitude. Not one lick!
Can you guess what it is???

The job title is a real panty dropper at clubs.
Driving in circles for hours each day gives me a lot of time for thoughts.
I think about food, or anecdotes.
Sometimes I even think about important thoughts! 
Like how to end class warfare and which movies have the most Ellen Page.

But most of the time I f a n t a s i z e about kicking ass.

I foil terrorist plots waged against the transit system.
Snatch damsels in distress from the jaws of certain death. Mansels too!
I might have a teeny tiny little hero complex.
You can't tell , though. I'm very timid in person.
The most dangerous thing I did all week was cut vegetables.
Get me a spongebob band aid and a kiss, stat.
She's sustained a serious finger boo-boo, doc.
For my made-from scratch gazpacho soup. It was spicy & chilled & perfect.
Served for lunch with a chicken salad sandwich on a toasted onion bun.
Garnished with chopped green onions.